Aceh (/ ɑːtʃeɪ /; [ʔatɕɛh]) is a province of Indonesia. Aceh lies at the northern tip of Sumatra island and is the most western province in Indonesia. Its capital is Banda Aceh. The total population of this province of about 4.5 million inhabitants. It was located near the Andaman and Nicobar islands in India and separated by the Andaman Sea. Aceh is bordered by the Bay of Bengal in the north, the Indian Ocean to the west, the Strait of Malacca in the east, and North Sumatra in southeast and south.
Aceh is considered the start of the spread of Islam in Indonesia and plays an important role in spreading Islam in Southeast Asia. At the beginning of the 17th century, the Sultanate of Aceh is the richest, most powerful and prosperous in the Malacca Strait. Aceh's history is colored by political freedom and strong opposition to the control of foreigners, including the former Dutch colonists and the Indonesian government. When compared with the other provinces, Aceh is very conservative areas (upholding the values of religion). [9] The percentage of Muslim population is the highest in Indonesia and they live according to Islamic law. [10] In contrast to most other provinces in Indonesia, Aceh has autonomy regulated separately for reasons of history. [11]
Aceh has abundant natural resources, including oil and natural gas. Some analysts estimate Aceh's natural gas reserves are the largest in the world. [9] Aceh is also famous for its forests are located along the Bukit Barisan range of Kutacane in Southeast Aceh until Ulu Masen in Aceh Jaya. A national park called Mount Leuser National Park (TNGL) was established in Southeast Aceh.
Aceh is the land closest to the epicenter of the Indian Ocean earthquake of 2004. After the earthquake, the tsunami wave hit most of the west coast of the province. Approximately 170,000 people dead or missing due to the disaster. [12] This disaster also encourage the creation of a peace agreement between the Indonesian government and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM).
" SERAMBI MEKKAH " yes, no doubt that the name for the province, designations which are familiar to us the people of Indonesia in general. But do you know the origin of Aceh called SERAMBI MEKKAH? And who gave the title to Aceh SERAMBI MEKKAH?SERAMBI MEKKAH is not a designation given by soekarno, Suharto or by scholars Aceh. However, the porch mecca is the name given directly by the Prophet Muhammad himself.One day Sheikh Ismail of the guards the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad dream
"O sheik ismail wake up to you take some of the letters I simpam inside the temple Baitullah will bring to you the letter to the five continents of the world, where the letter can be read therein located SERAMBI MEKKAH"
Approximately so dream experienced by Sheikh Ismail, initially he also doubts about the dream. But after experiencing the same dream three times, he immediately thought that the dream is true of the Prophet Muhammad. The next day he immediately sailed to five continents to look for people who can read the letter perlayaran tersebut.Saat start looking for people who can read the letter, he was about 20 years old. The first continent that he stopped the American continent. There he circled from one country to another to look for people who can read the letter. However, no one can read the letter.
Then he went on his trip to the African continent there he returned to find someone who could read a letter written by the prophet. Everyone who met him, he always explains "The letter of the Prophet who can read this letter, the prophet said there lying SERAMBI MEKKAH". After a long venture into the African continent, the same as before in the American continent, he did not find a single person who can read the letter.
Stay 3 continents else should he roam. Then he returned to continue his journey, namely to Europe to fulfill their mandate is. There he again roam from one country to another. However, just as before, he did not get a single person who can read the letter. And he moved on to the Australian continent. He also did not find anyone who could read the letter tinggai one continent else should he brought the letter to find a porch mecca that is in the Asian continent.
In the Asian continent, he first stopped in the ocean (now Aceh) there he met a young man aged about 20 and syakh ismail then aged about 100 years, about 80 years he roam and be a traveler to find where the location of the SERAMBI MEKKAH as mandated by the Prophet Muhammad. Ismail syaekh then explained to the young man intent and purpose is to find people who can read a letter written from the Prophet Muhammad. "May I see?" Said the young man. Then, after visits by the youth directly read clearly and smoothly complete with meanings. "Who's your name young man?" Said Sheikh Ismail. The young man replied, "My name Malikussaleh"
That is the history of the origin of the title Aceh " SERAMBI MEKKAH ". Not careless people who give the name, but the Prophet himself gave the title
"O sheik ismail wake up to you take some of the letters I simpam inside the temple Baitullah will bring to you the letter to the five continents of the world, where the letter can be read therein located SERAMBI MEKKAH"
Approximately so dream experienced by Sheikh Ismail, initially he also doubts about the dream. But after experiencing the same dream three times, he immediately thought that the dream is true of the Prophet Muhammad. The next day he immediately sailed to five continents to look for people who can read the letter perlayaran tersebut.Saat start looking for people who can read the letter, he was about 20 years old. The first continent that he stopped the American continent. There he circled from one country to another to look for people who can read the letter. However, no one can read the letter.
Then he went on his trip to the African continent there he returned to find someone who could read a letter written by the prophet. Everyone who met him, he always explains "The letter of the Prophet who can read this letter, the prophet said there lying SERAMBI MEKKAH". After a long venture into the African continent, the same as before in the American continent, he did not find a single person who can read the letter.
Stay 3 continents else should he roam. Then he returned to continue his journey, namely to Europe to fulfill their mandate is. There he again roam from one country to another. However, just as before, he did not get a single person who can read the letter. And he moved on to the Australian continent. He also did not find anyone who could read the letter tinggai one continent else should he brought the letter to find a porch mecca that is in the Asian continent.
In the Asian continent, he first stopped in the ocean (now Aceh) there he met a young man aged about 20 and syakh ismail then aged about 100 years, about 80 years he roam and be a traveler to find where the location of the SERAMBI MEKKAH as mandated by the Prophet Muhammad. Ismail syaekh then explained to the young man intent and purpose is to find people who can read a letter written from the Prophet Muhammad. "May I see?" Said the young man. Then, after visits by the youth directly read clearly and smoothly complete with meanings. "Who's your name young man?" Said Sheikh Ismail. The young man replied, "My name Malikussaleh"
That is the history of the origin of the title Aceh " SERAMBI MEKKAH ". Not careless people who give the name, but the Prophet himself gave the title
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